There are no reported negative side effects of Udderbalm use in humans, however, if a rash occurs use should be discontinued. Udderbalm is not FDA approved for human use, but farmers have been applying it to farm animals for decades without incident--as have thousands of human Udderbalm devotees.
Our many satisfied customers, from all walks of life, are thrilled with the product and aren`t afraid to share their stories. Melissa from Baltimore says, "Udder Balm is the only moisturizer I’ve found that can soothe my dry cracked skin. As a physician, I’m constantly using alcohol-based hand sanitizers throughout my work day. And as the mother of an infant, I’ve got my hands in soapy water washing bottles at the end of the day. A terrible combination! I’m so pleased to have found something that moisturizes and heals, without leaving a greasy feel." click here for a great combination of UdderBalm Products.
Jana from Texas agrees, "I am a 44 year old Multiple Sclerosis patient. One of the agonizing symptoms of my disease is chronic sensitive skin. It becomes easily dry and itches unbearably, especially after I bathe or shave my legs. It becomes so bad that I have scratched my skin raw in the middle of the night in my sleep. I have tried several lotions, creams, and salves on the market. Either they don`t work at all or they make my condition worse by making my skin itch more, or even worse, sting. I recently tried your Happy Cow Udder Balm and was overjoyed at the result. I applied it after a bath and immediately could feel the soothing effects. My skin didn`t itch and it didn`t get irritated like it had in the past with other products I had tried. My skin instantly felt soft and smooth and I literally breathed a sigh of relief at its soothing effects. It even kept on working after 24 hours! Now I use it every day and am "comfortable in my own skin", for the first time since I was diagnosed in 2001. Thank you for creating this salve! It has changed my life. I love it!"
Udderbalm is the tried and true solution you need for your dry skin. Contact A&E Balm Company today for more information about their products.